Friday, May 3, 2013

Doha Fashionista

Happy May!  The first part of the year has really flown by.  Since I have great style, (haha) I decided to convert the blog to a fashion blog for the day.  I received an email from a female friend traveling to the Middle East wondering what is appropriate to wear.  I figured that I might as well have some helpful posts and not just post silly pictures, so I wanted to share the ‘dress code’ with all of you.  I’m not a super girly girl, but when we found out that we were transferring to Doha my head was swarming with wardrobe questions.  What will I wear? Can I wear these? What about this? 
I’m no expert on this topic, but I am comfortable now in the way I dress.  By that, I mean that I don’t feel like people are staring at me or judging me.  Every morning I just have to think a little more when I get dressed.  I dress to be respectful of other people.  I don’t want to make anybody feel uncomfortable because of the way I dress.  Here are my rules:
1.    Don’t show your knees.  You can wear longer skirts or capris, but hide those forbidden knees.  I joke about this all the time, because to me knees aren’t considered sexy, but here knees are saved for special people’s eyes. ;)
2.    Don’t show your cleavage. Way to state the obvious Kelsy, although this time cleavage also includes showing too much collarbone.  I’m not over here living in turtlenecks, but I am also careful that my scoop neck t-shirts aren’t too wide and my v-neck t-shirts aren’t too deep.  
3.    Don’t wear shirts that can show your armpits.  Meaning no sleeveless shirts or shirts with only little cap sleeves.  You can show elbow, but not your smelly armpit.
4.    Nothing tight.  I usually don’t tuck in my shirts, but this might be because I’m lazy.  If my shirt is a little tighter than I just wear a scarf with it to soften my shape.  Just imagine me looking like Sam the scarf queen.
5.    Updos. Qatari ladies cover their hair, so I prefer to have my hair tied back when I’m at work.  Otherwise my long, lushes locks are the only ones in the office.  This is just a personal preference.

Please note that I usually don’t take self portraits in the bathroom, but my personal photographer, Mr. Jonathon, doesn’t think a photo shoot is a valid excuse for being late to work. 

Here is an idea of what I wear to work:

Happy belated birthday Jen and happy early birthday to Sam, Laurie, and Jeannie.  Miss you all.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kelsy! I have actually been pretty curious about this. I'll have to bookmark it in case I need to travel there. I love being able to catch up on your life abroad!

    Also, you'll be happy to know that Sam is still known as the scarf queen around the office.
