Tuesday, January 14, 2014

When Jet Lag Kicked Our Butts

We had a wonderful marathon trek through the States and arrived back Saturday morning about 2 in the AM.  (This is way past my bedtime.)  We weren't too tired, but knew we needed to try to sleep.  We climbed into bed and woke up 11 hours later.  I'm pretty sure that is the #1 rule with jet leg, don't sleep until 2 in the afternoon.  Rule breakers in da house.

I'm not even sure how that happened.  We slept on the plane and strategized about beating jet lag.  Basically overcoming 11 time zones is for party animals.  

The awesome thing about jet lag is that you get to be wide awake at 3AM and really tired at 3PM.  It is very helpful in the office setting.  No sarcasm involved, I have honestly enjoyed going to bed at 8PM and not feeling like a loser.   

We were feeling well adjusted by the weekend when it would have been appropriate to take an afternoon nap (as opposed to my office desk during the week).  It rained half an inch and we took that as a sign to take it easy.  We avoided the flood by decluttering our house.  You would be proud of my tuberware drawer.  Oh, these aren't the grand adventures you want to read about.  Okay, well we are working on our 2014 vacation schedule.  Check back later.

This week we did enjoy the things we missed while on vacation by eating record amounts of hummus and shawarma.  I was also thrilled to be greeted by 65-70 deg F running weather.  Look Mom, no coat.  

Happy birthday Trudy.  We hope Barney and Munchkin sing to you.  Happy birthday Grandpa Lyle.  We hope your day is full of smiles.


  1. It is great to catch up with you on the blog and your whirlwind America tour. So happy it included Chapter P! I have a great niece and her young son moving soon to Abu Dhabi; her husband is already there. They will be in a high rise compound owned by the company (security I think), but I don't know which one. My sister is a bit foggy on the details. Keep up the writing and photos!

    1. Thank you for reading. It was great seeing you. I hope your niece enjoys Abu Dhabi. We are only an hour plane ride way.
